
Hi there, my name is Renée Williams.

Thank you for clicking on whichever link has brought you to my little purple page of purple thoughts.

I’m 19, I live in rural Queensland Australia, I had my first seizure in 2009 and I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2011.

I’ve also been diagnosed with a migraine disorder, autism, FND, CRPS, HSD, colitis, anxiety and panic disorder and depression along my journey.

I’ve struggled with my diagnoses due to the many common fears that people with disabilities tend to have caused by the conditions themselves as well as the stigma, discrimination, ignorance and misconceptions that still surround the conditions. I felt very alone and that I couldn’t talk to anybody about what I was going through. I’ve since learnt that I’m far from alone and, due to how common some of these conditions are, I’ve probably met many people with epilepsy without even realising.

I don’t want others to feel so alone and scared and the only way to stop that is to break the cycle by speaking out and shining a light despite all the fears and negativity around it.

That’s what this page is for.

I’ll be writing about my experience with epilepsy, a migraine disorder, autism, FND, CRPS, HSD, colitis, anxiety and panic disorder and depression from day-to-day struggles to the really cool moments and everything in between, in hopes to show somebody with one of these conditions they’re not alone and to show others the truth behind them.

There’s no order in what I share and when. Something may happen today that I want to share straight away but tomorrow I might share something that happened some time ago.

Since starting my purple adventure I’ve been awarded the Role Model award by Epilepsy Queensland Inc. and I hope to continue being the best Role Model I can be for those living with epilepsy, their loved ones and those who just want to learn.

I hope you enjoy, learn, share and connect.

– Renée

2 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. G/day my name is Mark I’m 60 years old. I was diagnosed with Temporal lobe epilepsy when I was 20 after a motor bike accident. with medication I worked for the next 30 years as a glazier. It is manageable !!!


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